Climate change has arrived with a force and speed even more threatening than the worst-case scenarios predicted. Without intelligent solutions deployed aggressively, our planetary future looks grim. Green technology solutions that improve our biosphere are needed and must be supported as quickly as possible. The constant pressure to expand, consume and pollute in our limited, globally strained world, is killing us all. Humanity needs a new story and One Earth Ventures intends to be a part of it.

The time is now and global participation is needed for effective solutions. Read more about our founder below, and contact us to jumpstart your efforts today.


As a catalyst for interdisciplinary innovation she facilitates creative synthesis of social and cultural intelligence with adaptive and unique approaches to facilitate new thinking and business models. She thrives on developing client potential to make a difference at the largest scale possible. Gail holds a Master’s degree in Organizational Development from Pepperdine University and an undergraduate BS in Conservation of Natural Resources from UC-Berkeley. She is a strategic, whole systems thinker who brings devotion and integrity to her work and strives to find match-making and partnership opportunities for clients to achieve win/win opportunities.